Quick News:

Missions: February: Lutheran World Relief

  • Lutheran World Relief affirms God's love for all people, they work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering. Their goal is to help people build self-sufficiency and create new community-owned approaches to problem-solving that will last long after their projects end.



Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.


We are a confessional Lutheran Church.

This means we are catholic, that is, confessing what the true Church of all times and all places has always confessed, but not Roman Catholic. 

We are centered in the Gospel (Evangelical) but not a part of the modern Evangelical movement.

We hold that Jesus Christ crucified and risen again for the forgiveness of our sins is the very center and core of who we are. Our Lord comes to us to forgive our sins and gives us Himself through the Word of God, preaching, baptism, absolution (forgiveness) and the Lord’s Supper. 

The source of all that we teach and believe is found in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God.

The Bible is the true, inspired Word of God, without error, and delivers God’s gifts to us both orally, in written form, and through the Sacraments of the Church. We are a Biblical church, in the very best sense of the term.

This one, Christian (catholic) and apostolic faith is confessed in the three creeds:

This faith is also confessed in the Book of Concord of 1580, including:

Holy Communion at Christ Lutheran Church

We welcome fellow Christians to sing, pray, and worship with us, if you are a communicant member of a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregation, you are invited to communion. It is a consequence of the sad divisions in Christianity that we cannot extend a general invitation to receive communion. If you are not a member of the LCMS and desire to commune at this altar, please contact Pastor Hercamp to arrange new member classes so that the confession of Christ from this altar and pulpit may become your confession of faith.

Those who are learning about the faith both children and adults are welcomed to come forward and receive a blessing from the pastor during communion. As you come forward fold your hands and the pastor will place his hand upon your shoulder or head and give you a prayer of encouragement.