Quick News:

Missions: February: Lutheran World Relief

  • Lutheran World Relief affirms God's love for all people, they work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering. Their goal is to help people build self-sufficiency and create new community-owned approaches to problem-solving that will last long after their projects end.

We'd love to have you visit us at Christ Lutheran Church!

We believe and teach that Jesus is our Lord AND Savior.

Visit us to see for yourselves that Christ’s love is spoken here. 

Service times

Traditional Sunday Service—9:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Bible Classes—10:30 a.m.

Holy Communion is regularly celebrated every Sunday


What to Expect

Christ Lutheran Church is a member church of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). Our beliefs are best summarized by the three solas: Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, and Grace Alone.  Find out more by visiting the Synodical website, lcms.org.

At Christ Lutheran Church, we follow the historic (“traditional”) liturgy, or historic formal worship. While liturgically focused in our service, we pride ourselves on being comfortable in our service, and we welcome people to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ gave us forgiveness of sins, eternal life and salvation in his death and resurrection; Christ alone has reconciled the whole world to God; Jesus Christ serves us again and again as His Gospel is proclaimed, as His people are baptized, and as His Word is read. The worship service at Christ Lutheran Church is based on the Bible and its teachings.  

Christ Lutheran Church uses the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) published by Concordia Publishing House for the liturgy. The LSB provides a consistent worship service between congregations to unify the message of the entire church. The LSB also connects Bible verses used to proclaim the Biblical text through the liturgy and hymns. 

There is variety in the services depending on the Sunday or weekday. The Divine Service proclaims the Word of God, and celebrates the Lord’s Supper. Other services used in our congregation feature Service of the Word, Matins, Vespers, Morning and Evening Prayer, Compline, and the Litany.

Our Beliefs